Zoo today!
Today i was in the Zoo :)
The Singapore Zoo is alot larger than the danish Zoo, and they've got more primates than any other Zoo. Here's a selection of the pictures I took... my hands were a bit shaky i can see... gotta smoke some more then ;)


Komodo varan

White Tigers
Tomorrow I think I will go to Malaysia... more precise Johor Bahru... its a 4 hours drive from here and theres an airport with domestic flights from there... It will be my startout point in Malaysia. All the people I talked with have left, so now there are only some annoying english people... hehe... so I need to leave!
fede billeder men hva sker der med håret eller mangel på samme :-)? håber du har det top Nice der over i småland!!! hygge fra Skovhuggeren Over and out!!!
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