Min blog som jeg vil bruge når jeg er ude og rejse. Jeg skal en tur til Singapore og rejse 5 måneder i østen, derefter skal jeg en måned til New Zealand og stå på snowboard og så en uge til Tokyo og lege turist! Afrejsedato er den 14. februar 2006, hjemkost er måske d. 21 august 2006.

fredag, august 18, 2006

From diving at Poor Knights island to madness in Tokyo

The diving at Poor Knights island was amazing!

I had 2 dives, 1 at Cream Garden and 1 at Blue Maomao Arch.

This is what Blue Maomao Arch looked like.
(picture from a homepage)

The dives were amazing, the way the light of the sun illuminated the centre of the arch through a hole in the rock was incredible... as I swam through it second time I looked back and saw the illuminated spot, the hundreds of travellies swimming around and in the background the sillouettes of the kelp. Wauw!

When we came out of the arch again we swam into some great nature pools. That was quite fun because the surf pulled you in to the pool and you had to fight alot to get out again.

The Poor Knights island is today a nature reserve, but Maories used to live there. The story goes that a chief from the island gathered his men and went to the mainland to plunder... while he was gone another tribe from the mainland were informed by a spy and came to kill all the women and children left behind. Since then the island has been deserted.

After this great experience I went back to Auckland for my flight to Tokyo.

Tokyo is very hot compared to NZ, there is a constant humidity that makes the heat unbearable sometimes... thank God for aircon :)

I stayed a couple of days in Tokyo hostel which I googled. I went to Asakusa with some english guys which is the old part of Tokyo with a nice temple and a great pagoda. Later to Akihabara which is a giant electronics market... oh my buddha it was large... 7 floors of electronics in all the buildings, and alot of Manga! Motoo my colleague from AJN called it the Mecca of Manga :D
I bought an underwater casing for my camera! So next time I go diving you will see underwater pictures :D

Yesterday I met two danish girls from Oesterbro :) We went around sightseeing and shopping, that was quite nice. Really weird to speak danish again... the last Dane I met was more than a month ago in Auckland.

Today I wanna go to the botanical garden and maybe the Tokyo tower. :)


Blogger Laura said...

hej smukke,
glæder mig til du kommer hjem imorgen!
knus søs.


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hej Søren,

Du får lige en hilsen fra en gammel Biobar-rod.

Jeg var selv på NZ i sommers (2006) og dykkede på ved Poor Knights.

Det er et fantastisk sted.
Jeg skal derned igen denne jul, da jeg skal påmønstre Galathea 3 dernede.

Men hvad er der sket med Biobars hjemmeside. Eller du har måske meldt dig ud??

Man kan da heller ikke overlade ungdommen ansvaret :)

Hold dig munter, og husk at drikke øl, og få dykket en masse.




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