Min blog som jeg vil bruge når jeg er ude og rejse. Jeg skal en tur til Singapore og rejse 5 måneder i østen, derefter skal jeg en måned til New Zealand og stå på snowboard og så en uge til Tokyo og lege turist! Afrejsedato er den 14. februar 2006, hjemkost er måske d. 21 august 2006.

søndag, maj 07, 2006

HCMC - Saigon

Hello people...

I know it's been some time since my last post... but I've been busy with exploring Ho Chi Minh City. This city is wild and crazy... I LIKE IT! There are sooo many motorbikes EVERYWHERE... If you want to pass the street just close your eyes and walk in a slow pace... they will avoid you, but if you get scared and do sudden movements they will probably hit you.
Well well well.. I've been out to see the Cu chi tunnels and tried crawling around in em... amazing that anyone could live in them. I also tried to shoot with an AK47... I just had to try it. Been to a lot of museums and seen alot of the historical buildings in Saigon. I don't really like the museums because they are really coloured of the kommunists and is a big bunch of propaganda. I guess the winners always write the history.
The prices here are very different... but there's always special prices for the foreigners... that means double or triple price.

I didn't bring my camera docking station... so there are no pictures this time... I have sooo many pictures, but I guess I will just have to show some of them when I get home.

The last couple of days I've been hanging out with a chinese girl called Min and a dutch girl called Michelle. They are very cool (hehe... lack of english words) and I've had a great time with them. We have our own seats at a EDEN bar inn Buin Vien street and get alot of free drinks from the bar because we're good customers :D
The people don't get angry when you don't wanna buy their chewing gum or cigarettes, like in Cambodia, and they are always smiling. This is a very nice country and you feel very safe.
There are kommunist flags everywhere... and big posters with Ho Chi Min, Stalin, Lenin and Karl Marx.

Tomorrow I go to Dalat with my open tour ticket, and there I will do some trekking in the mountains. After that I will go to Nha Trang and do some bathing, diving and try to get a tan again (too many big cities with aircon).

My big plans are Laos in 2-3 weeks, but other than that I will just take it hour by hour.

I hope you are all doing well, and a big congratulation to my grandmother who is now from 4. may 95 years old (I hope I'm right about the number)

I will try to get some pictures on sometime soon... just to get te big picture... so many things is happening.


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Soeren
Just a hello from DR Byen DK. Signe sent me the blogger. It got lost somewhere between segment 4 and Saigon.
I'm sooo envious. Now beeing in Vietnam pls. eat all the Nems you can on my behalf.
Finally the weather got warmer, and the Italians will probably soon start taking off ther clothes. Not that it will improve the speed nor their working skills!!!!
AJN has now the pleasure of having Lotte back from leave, and the same goes for us. It is great to see her happy face every morning.
Jeannette says HI, and she hopes you enjoy every day of the trip.
Best thoughts and hugs.


Anonymous Anonym said...

Soren, Soren...always supporting your local bar workers;) Your blog AGAIN made my day!
Love ya, Pauliina


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hi Soeren
I just write to tell you vesterbrodreng, that "ismejeriet" at Enghavevej is open for the summerseason, and that they (again) have double up on rainy days. The ice-scubs are smaller though.
But according to your travelling scedule, It will be a couple of months before you get the feeling of Hansen ice melting in your mouth.
Best of thoughts


Blogger Søren Grubb said...

HAHAHAAA! Thanks alot Gitte and Pauliina! You just made me laugh out loud so the guy next to me is looking weird at me :D I will write on my blogger ASAP!
Thank you for your comments! That makes it worth the effort!


Blogger Søren Grubb said...

Heh! Tark Sofissen :) Savner ogsaa dig :D Hoerer fra mor at du var til 5 timers skriftlig eksamen, maa vaere haardt! Jeg har vandret lidt rundt i Hanoi her til aften efter 3 skoenne dage i det UNESCO bevarede Halong Bay... super smukt! Gitte er ikke en daarlig mor nummer 2, du kan vaere stolt ;)Haaber du har det rigtig godt, og naeste gang jeg skriver er jeg i Laos! :)



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