Min blog som jeg vil bruge når jeg er ude og rejse. Jeg skal en tur til Singapore og rejse 5 måneder i østen, derefter skal jeg en måned til New Zealand og stå på snowboard og så en uge til Tokyo og lege turist! Afrejsedato er den 14. februar 2006, hjemkost er måske d. 21 august 2006.

lørdag, februar 18, 2006

Zoo today!

Today i was in the Zoo :)
The Singapore Zoo is alot larger than the danish Zoo, and they've got more primates than any other Zoo. Here's a selection of the pictures I took... my hands were a bit shaky i can see... gotta smoke some more then ;)


Orang Utan (how its spelled here)

Komodo varan

White Tigers

Tomorrow I think I will go to Malaysia... more precise Johor Bahru... its a 4 hours drive from here and theres an airport with domestic flights from there... It will be my startout point in Malaysia. All the people I talked with have left, so now there are only some annoying english people... hehe... so I need to leave!

fredag, februar 17, 2006

Wow... This is the coolest thing I have ever done!!! :D

This is sooo nice, I really like it here... Everything is so clean and its really easy being a backpacker.
My hostel only charges 10S$ per night, around 45kr and thats including breakfast.

I had a really good guided tour around the city thursday with my mom and her friend Jette. Jette is from Hong Kong so she's been here alot of times.

We met at the Raffles city center near the City Hall station, here's a picture from the mall

After i parted with mom and Jette I went to a park in the middle of the city. It was almost like a botanical garden with many special trees and with signposts with historical information.
(a picture of a leaf... FROM 1 METER DISTANCE!)

My hangovers tonight made my jetlag even worse because you can't sleep much in the heat, but thats OK, I LOOOVE THIS! When I was on my way back from the internet cafe wedensday I met 2 danish girls called Isobel and Lynne(cover names), I heard them talking danish and then I just started the conversation from there. They are really sweet and fun, so we agreed to meet for a beer yesterday evening in their hostel. We did... and then a guy from South Africa called Julian or "Jew" came with some redwine and made some traditional SA-food (long beans and potatoes) tasted alot better than it sounds :D He's called Jew because its easy to tell his name that way to chinese people (Jew is pig in chinese *not kidding*).

A little later 2 danish guys called Jonas and Anders heard my name and started a conversation, they joined our drinking :) Then 3 english guys from Manchester City came in with beers and "Fenny" (some asian spirit pronounced "fanny") Sooo... they wanted to start a drinking game... Danes are never saying no to drinking games so we joined them! It was a game I've played some times in Denmark, and you have to make up rules if you pull an ace... The rules that came were:
1. Drink with you left hand or you will have to stay crosseyed until its you turn again
2. Always say "Roed groed med floede before drinking.
3. Always say "I love england" after saying "Roed Groed med Floede"
Don't remember the last rule... (from left to right: Isobel(Mia), Julian, Ben, Kevin, Gary, Lynne(Nina) and Jonas)It was a very fun night and we got to use the word "Fenny" alot... "How do you like your Fenny?" "Gary has had too much Fenny tonight" "No more Fenny ever" "I can still smell Fenny in my mouth" hehehe...

Here's a picture of a Andrew, the French Canadian i met when I arrived. We had some very nice talks about politics and religion, and he advices me not to lay under for the fear of muslims he says that it is much worse for him because asian people usually don't like blacks... and you can't hide that!

Today Isobel, Lynne, Aurelien and I went to the Chinatown. It was an amazing experience of beautiful colours and smell that just hit you when you exit the MRT(metrostation). Isobel bought a watch that they later named after me *blush* =)
But it was only 1 little street that made out the must beatiful part of Chinatown so we agreed to go to the underground mall connected to Raffles.

On the way to Raffles we ran in to some rain(read: a fucking lot)... It was extreme... Never seen rain like this. Luckily we could walk on indoor gangways alot of the way (the Singaporeans are brilliant).

We went through the underground city mall to the Esplanade where the concert halls are... The concert halls look soo cool I think :D

I followed the girls to the station... they were going to melbourne, and went home to sleep for 4 hours. I needed that very much!

Thats all i guess... oh... yeah... I also got an express haircut... 10 minutes and 10$... And with freezing cold aircondition. It was really compact... there was a closet for bags behind the mirror and under the chair there was a room they could sweep the hair in ^^

As I promised here's the result, the girls said I look like David Ove... who ever that is...

onsdag, februar 15, 2006

Im there mayn!

OK! Now I'm finally there... Singapore! Damn its hot... phew...
I really like it here, I've found a dorm called Prince of Wales it's kinda messy but really cheap :)

The airport was really beautiful... and it had the craziest escalators I've ever seen!

I also took a picture of the metro... but I accidentally deleted it when I wanted to edit this picture... DOH :D

There are 2 other guys sleeping in the same room, I met them when I arrived... and we talked for like 1 hour :) They are nice, 1 of them is called Andrew and is a french canadian the other is french.
We talked about Danes going to Indonesia, and they said they really don't think its that bad.. so we'll see :D

Heres a picture of my bed

I really need a haircut, so there will be no pictures of me until that is done :D
Going back to get a beer at my hostel before the bar closes... got 5 mins ^^

Love it!

tirsdag, februar 07, 2006

Billeder fra i sommers, fra mit arbejde i DR byen

Nu er der ikke så længe til jeg skal afsted!
Jeg vil lige vise jer nogle billeder fra Koncertsalen :)

Michael og jeg udenfor koncersalen.

Opgangen til foyeren

Udsigt fra foyeren

Kælderen under koncertsalen

Det store studie (studie 2)